Electric Power Generation Unit Operation Rp 7.950.000 Operational practices for electric power generation units to maximize efficiency and output. ...
Electrical Equipment Protection Testing and Calibration for Power Plants Rp 7.950.000 Testing and calibration of electrical equipment protection systems in power plants to ensure safety and compliance. ...
Electrical Measurement and Instruments for Power Plants Rp 7.950.000 Understanding electrical measurement and instrumentation in power plants for accurate monitoring and control. ...
Power Plant Operations Planning and Control Rp 7.950.000 Planning and control strategies for power plant operations to optimize performance and ensure reliability. ...
Strategic Equipment Maintenance Planning for Power Plants Rp 7.950.000 Develop strategic maintenance plans for power plant equipment to enhance reliability and performance. ...
Heat Rate Calculation for Power Plants Using In-House Software Rp 7.950.000 Calculate heat rates for power plants using in-house software to improve efficiency and performance analysis. ...
Plant Turnaround and Strategic Management Rp 7.950.000 Strategies for effective plant turnaround and strategic management to minimize downtime and enhance productivity. ...
PLC Safety and Shutdown Systems in Plant Operations Rp 7.950.000 Implement safety and shutdown systems in programmable logic controllers (PLC) to enhance operational safety. ...
POD, WP&B, and AFE Analysis in the Oil and Gas Industry Rp 7.950.000 Analysis of POD, WP&B, and AFE for effective decision-making in the oil and gas industry. ...
Power Line Construction Essentials Rp 7.950.000 Essentials of power line construction to ensure safety and compliance in electrical infrastructure projects. ...
Power Plant Performance Testing Techniques Rp 7.950.000 Techniques for performance testing of power plants to ensure operational efficiency and reliability. ...
Advanced Database Analysis and Dashboard Reporting with Microsoft Excel Rp 7.950.000 Advanced techniques for database analysis and dashboard reporting using Microsoft Excel for data-driven decision-making. ...
Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Best Practices Rp 7.950.000 Best practices for preventive and predictive maintenance to enhance equipment reliability and reduce costs. ...
Proactive Maintenance Strategies for Industrial Equipment Rp 7.950.000 Proactive maintenance strategies to ensure optimal performance and longevity of industrial equipment. ...
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Techniques Rp 7.950.000 Techniques for effective problem-solving and decision-making in industrial environments to enhance operational efficiency. ...
Process Control and Instrumentation Systems Rp 7.950.000 Overview of process control and instrumentation systems for efficient monitoring and control in industrial processes. ...