Rp 7.950.000

Dilihat : 15 kali


Power transmission is crucial to the power sector, as important as power generation itself. The electricity generated in power stations must be transported over long distances to reach load centers using transmission lines and towers. Expanding the Transmission & Distribution (T&D) network to meet growing demand is essential for providing a reliable, stable, and secure power supply. This requires optimal and economical planning of the transmission system. Today, power transmission utilities rely on standard designs to construct transmission lines, minimizing capital costs. However, delays in transmission projects can significantly hinder economic development. Challenges such as layout changes, land management, contractor issues, financing, and contract disputes commonly arise during the construction phase of transmission lines.

This training provides the essential knowledge required to manage power line construction from electrical, civil, and HSE perspectives.


Course Outline

Line Construction

  • Understand the requirements for line construction, including poles, towers, conductors, and insulators.
  • Learn about BIL of insulators, common failures, and the principles of splicing and terminating conductors.

Street Lighting

  • Explore various street lighting systems, including their connection, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Line Construction for Poles

  • Learn about the application of different types of anchors and stringing methods.
  • Understand the sagging requirements and methods for overhead conductors.

Survey & Profiling of Transmission Lines

  • Gain insights into foundation work for towers, critical checkpoints in tower erection, and stringing operations.
  • Overview of tower design, input assumptions, and their impact on tower longevity.
  • Learn about disaster management, emergency restoration, and safety measures during transmission line construction.

System Grounding

  • Differentiate between earth grounding systems and neutral return systems.
  • Understand the function of ground rods and the hazards of open neutral or ground conductors.

Underground Distribution

  • Identify and explain the components and equipment in primary and secondary underground systems.
  • Learn about testing, identification, mapping, and switching for new underground installations.

Circuit Protection and Switching

  • Identify and understand the operation of circuit protection and switching equipment.
  • Explore the basic operation of fuses, sectionalizers, oil circuit breakers, arresters, and relay operations.


  • Electric Engineer / Supervisor/ Superintendent
  • Plant Maintenance Engineer/ Supervisor/ Superintendent
  • Plant and Process Engineer/ Supervisor/ Superintendent
  • Safety and Lost Prevention Engineer/ Supervisor/ Superintendent
  • Electrical and Mechanical Design Engineer


Ali Mashar, M.Eng.Sc., IPU

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